Kamala Harris just got one bad idea to destroy the Supreme Court

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Left is still seething with rage at the Supreme Court.

Democrats are out for revenge.

And Kamala Harris just got one bad idea to destroy the Supreme Court.

A proposal to dissolve the Supreme Court

The Left’s anger at the Supreme Court reached dangerous levels after the conservative majority righted a historical wrong and overturned Roe v. Wade.

Left-wing militias stalked the conservative Justices at their homes.

A Biden supporter attempted to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh.

But the rage really boiled over when the conservative majority slammed the brakes on the Department of Justice’s lawfare against Trump.

By ruling that Presidents had immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts in office, the Supreme Court blocked Smith from rushing Trump’s rigged show trial for January 6 through before Election Day.

Democrats were counting on a sham guilty verdict to guarantee Trump’s defeat.

Author and commentator Fran Lebowitz was still fuming at the Supreme Court on Bill Maher’s HBO show.

“It’s so disgraceful, this court, that it shouldn’t even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court,” Lebowitz ranted.

“It isn’t. It’s an insult to Motown to call it the Supreme Court. It’s not even a court,” Lebowitz added.

Lebowitz then falsely claimed the court saying Presidents were immune from criminal prosecution for official acts made them a king.

That led to Lebowitz claiming Biden should wield his new regal power to dissolve the Supreme Court.

“When they passed that law, that ruling, where they said ‘you’re not the president, there’s a king,’ which is what that ruling is, you can do whatever you want, you can never be held responsible, I thought, ‘You know, Biden is still the president. No one seems to notice.’ But I think Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court,” Lebowitz exclaimed.

Maher couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Dissolve the Supreme Court?” Maher stammed. “Come on.”

But Lebowitz doubled down.

“‘I’m the president, I’m the king now, like you said, and go home!’” Lebowitz snapped back.

Kamala Harris’ plan to end the Supreme Court 

Fringe left-wing ideas like homosexual marriage and transgenderism for kids often start out in the media and filter their way into official Democrat Party politics.

Destroying the Supreme Court is well on its way there.

Kamala Harris already tried to harness the anger over the immunity ruling by endorsing a court-packing scheme that allows her to term limit Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito and replace them with left-wing Justices.

“Vice President Harris believes that no one is above the law. She’ll fight to ensure that no former president has immunity for crimes committed while in the White House,” Kamala Harris’ issue page reads.

“She will also support common-sense Supreme Court reforms — like requiring Justices to comply with ethics rules that other federal judges are bound by and imposing term limits — to address the crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court,” the issue page continues.

Dissolving the Supreme Court is a lunatic fringe idea.

So was homosexual marriage once.

But the Left’s control of pop culture and the media through characters like Fran Lebowitz has a way of making the abnormal normal.