Joe Biden is about to commit this sick border betrayal

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden opened the southern border.

He created a national security crisis.

And Joe Biden is about to commit this sick border betrayal.

Joe Biden to import pro-Hamas Palestinians into the United States

Joe Biden is desperately trying to pander to Muslim voters in Michigan.

Ever since more than 100,000 Democrats voted uncommitted in the February 28 Primary in protest over Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza, Biden’s been desperate to show he’s on the side of Hamas.

Michigan’s 16 Electoral College votes could prove decisive in the November election.

The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Trump leading Biden by 1.2 points.

And Biden’s response is to put American’s lives in danger by relocating Hamas supporters to the United States.

CBS News reports Biden’s new scheme will import Palestinian refugees to America.

“The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News,” CBS reported.

Biden claims this is standard operating procedure

In one of the most damning defenses possible of this move, the Biden administration claimed trafficking Islamic refugees into America is old hat.

A statement from the administration said Biden “has helped more than 1,800 American citizens and their families leave Gaza, many of whom have come to the United States. At President Biden’s direction, we have also helped, and will continue to help, some particularly vulnerable individuals, such as children with serious health problems and children who were receiving treatment for cancer, get out of harm’s way and receive care at nearby hospitals in the region.”

But just to show how bizarre this situation really is, the administration wanted the pro-Hamas caucus in the Democrat Party to know that bringing Palestinian refugees to America wasn’t a go-ahead for Israel to win the war.

The statement added that the administration “categorically rejects any actions leading to the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza. The best path forward is to achieve a sustainable cease-fire through a hostage deal that will stabilize the situation and pave the way to a two-state solution.”

Who is Joe Biden bringing to America?

The Palestinian people were the ones who put Hamas in charge of Gaza.

And polls showed that more than 70 percent of Palestinians supported the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Now Joe Biden wants to import refugees who support these atrocities into America.

And it’s all because Biden is afraid Donald Trump will win Michigan’s Electoral College votes.

Right News Wire Official Polling