Donald Trump had one secret meeting that spells doom for Joe Biden

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump is getting ready for the general election.

Trump had a surprise in his back pocket.

And Donald Trump had one secret meeting that spells doom for Joe Biden.

Donald Trump holds meeting with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Perhaps no two campaigns engendered more bitter feelings toward each other than the Trump and DeSantis camps.

Trump felt DeSantis was disloyal for challenging him for the nomination.

DeSantis and his supporters thought Trump unfairly attacked DeSantis’ record.

When DeSantis dropped out of the race following his distant second place showing in the Iowa Caucus, he nominally endorsed Trump, but didn’t hesitate to fire off a pot shot or two at Trump.

But the two are now at a détente.

Trump and DeSantis recently met at the Miami home of Florida real estate tycoon Steve Witkoff.

A DeSantis supporter told POLITICO it was a “good meeting set at the request of Gov. DeSantis.”

“It’s a great development and makes perfect sense for Trump, DeSantis and all Republicans,” DeSantis campaign finance co-chair Roy Bailey said in a statement to POLITICO. “Gov. DeSantis had a really strong volunteer finance team and if we could plug that in and help Trump then that’s what we need to do — and want to do. It’s important to all get together and row in the same direction.”

Trump praises DeSantis

Once knowledge of the meeting went public, Trump praised DeSantis in a message on Truth Social and expressed his gratitude for DeSantis wanting to help in whatever way he could to defeat Joe Biden.

“I am very happy to have the full and enthusiastic support of Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. We had a great meeting yesterday, arranged by mutual friend Steve Witkoff, at his beautiful Shell Bay Club in Hollywood, Florida. The conversation mostly concerned how we would work closely together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Also discussed was the future of Florida, which is FANTASTIC! I greatly appreciate Ron’s support in taking back our Country from the Worst President in the History of the United States. November 5th is a BIG DAY!!!” Trump wrote.

Both Trump and DeSantis have political assets the other needs.

Florida won’t be in play in 2024 or in any other election any time soon so Trump doesn’t need DeSantis’ machine to help turnout voters to push across the finish line on Election Day.

But DeSantis was a favorite of the GOP donor class in his campaign and can help Trump fundraise.

DeSantis likely wants to run for President again in 2028 and it does him no good to be on Trump’s bad side.

Trump and DeSantis agreeing to put the good of the country ahead of all other considerations means that Joe Biden will face a united conservative base.

Current polling data shows that just might be enough to oust Biden from the White House.

Right News Wire Official Polling