A UFC Champion hit the NFL with one truth that will make Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker smile

Photo by Dhia Eddine from Pexels

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker set off a firestorm during a commencement speech he gave at Benedictine College where he urged male graduates to embrace their masculinity.

Democrats, left-wing activists in the press, woke leftists, and even one NFL official took issue with Butker’s message.

But a UFC Champion hit the NFL with one truth that will make Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker smile.

The Left’s woke ideology has invaded every aspect of American society.

This includes professional sports leagues.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is the only remaining sports league that doesn’t pander to the woke Left.

UFC President Dana White is a long-time friend of Donald Trump and allows his fighters to speak freely about the issues of the day.

“First of all, I don’t give anybody a leash,” White recently told reporters. “To control what people say and to tell people what to believe – I don’t tell any other f****** human being what to say, what to think, and there’s no leashes on any of them.”

Former champion Sean Strickland emerged as a fan favorite in recent months for his willingness to speak out on the issues and his refusal to adhere to political correctness.

And Strickland just showed why fans love him in a pair of posts on X where he ripped the NFL for not standing behind Harrison Butker.

In a statement to People Magazine, NFL Senior Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Jonathan Beane said that “Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” before adding that “his views are not those of the NFL as an organization.”

“The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger,” he added.

During his commencement speech, Butker slammed Joe Biden for his pro-abortion views and the “degenerate cultural values in media.”

Like Butker, Strickland also stands for traditional values and masculinity.

And Strickland did not hold back his thoughts on the NFL after officials distanced themselves from Butker’s speech.

“When did the NFL become such spineless cowards?” Strikland wrote. “MAN + WOMAN = MARRIAGE – Nothing else.”

“Text, history and tradition … It’s that simple,” he continued. “‘It doesn’t matter, who cares who can get married.’ Saying that makes you a weak man. They want you to say that….Have beliefs.”

Strickland followed his first post up with another one where addressed the accusations that he “hates gay people.”

“There is not one ounce of me who hates gay people. If you’re gay be gay. Be happy. I wish you the best,” he wrote. “But that doesn’t mean I have to bend my knee on every social issue designed to destroy America and masculinity. You can be against gay marriage. It’s ok. You’re not a bigot nfl.”

The UFC is the last remaining sport in America that hasn’t been taken over by the woke Left.

And Sean Strickland and Harrison Butker are a breath of fresh air in a world full of woke degenerates.