
Tim Walz said five words that Ron DeSantis made him instantly regret

Kamala Harris putting Tim Walz on the ticket is turning into one of the biggest...

Donald Trump hit Kamala Harris with this nasty curveball

Kamala Harris’ honeymoon period will soon come to an end. Then Harris will have to...

Donald Trump has one ace up his sleeve that left Kamala Harris reeling

Democrats claim that Kamala Harris has all the momentum in the race. She’s counting on...

Kamala Harris hit the panic button after one woke video of her was exposed

Kamala Harris is trying to hide her past from voters. But it came back to...

Kamala Harris is catching hell after left-wing activists revealed this terrible reality about her

Kamala Harris wants the election to be fought over anything but her political record. But...

Kamala Harris’ husband made one awful confession that left her fuming

Kamala Harris is under a white-hot spotlight now that she’s running for President. Now, some...

Donald Trump was jumping for joy when he got his hands on these startling poll numbers

Not even Barack Obama saw a media propaganda campaign drive a surge in the polls...

J.D. Vance confronted Kamala Harris and you won’t believe what happened next

Senator J.D. Vance is bracketing Kamala Harris’ tour of battleground states. Vance wants to make...

Donald Trump made one joke about Kamala Harris that left Barack Obama boiling mad

Kamala Harris’ campaign rollout is a carefully scripted operation by Democrats and their media allies. ...

Kamala Harris heard three words about Donald Trump that sent one awful signal

One of Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will be President next January. The terrain for...