Not even Barack Obama saw a media propaganda campaign drive a surge in the polls like the one Kamala Harris experienced.
But what goes up must come down.
And Donald Trump was jumping for joy when he got his hands on these startling poll numbers.
CNBC poll shows Trump in the lead
A rash of polls at the national level showed Kamala Harris taking the lead as the Democrat Party base coalesced around her.
Both the FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics polling averages show Harris holding slight leads over Trump.
But the race is a toss-up as new polls also show Trump in the lead.
CNBC’s All-America economic survey showed Trump leading Harris 48 to 46 percent in a head-to-head matchup.
Trump and Harris shifted support, with voters 18-34 flipping to Harris, but 35-49-year-olds, swinging strongly to Trump.
“Young voters showed far greater supporter for Harris than they did for Biden, backing the vice president now by 10 points, compared to backing Trump by 2 points in the NBC July poll. That was offset by a big swing of 12 points among voters aged 35-49 towards Trump. The age group now supports Trump by 9 points,” CNBC reported.
Why Harris is trailing
“She’s still carrying a lot of water for the administration,” Campbell said. “She has to answer for that and define herself independently . . . That’s a lot of baggage to carry when you’ve got a compressed time frame against a mature campaign on Trump’s side.”
Jay Campbell of the Democrat firm Hart Research – who partnered with the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies on this poll – said Harris is facing an uphill climb on the economy because of her support for Joe Biden’s inflationary agenda.
“She’s still carrying a lot of water for the administration,” Campbell told CNBC.
“She has to answer for that and define herself independently . . . That’s a lot of baggage to carry when you’ve got a compressed time frame against a mature campaign on Trump’s side,” Campbell added.
Voters give Trump a two-to-one advantage on under which candidate they believe they will be better off financially under.
CNBC reported that with independents, “31% think they will be better financially if Trump wins, 10% if Harris wins.”
Inflation and the economy were the top two issues in this poll
And Donald Trump led Harris by massive margins on both.
“Trump leads in the ballot race by 12 points among those who prioritize the issue. He has a similar 12-point lead on the second most important issue, the country’s economy overall,” CNBC reported.
In more bad news for Harris, the poll also showed Americans holding a dour outlook on the economy, with just “21% rating it excellent or good, down four points from the CNBC March survey, and 78% saying it’s just fair or poor, up three points.”
This poll is further evidence that Donald Trump holds the advantage in this election on the issues.
That’s why Harris and the media want the election to be about “vibes” and how the idea of Kamala Harris makes Americans feel.
If the focus is on policy and the economy, then Donald Trump holds the edge.