Pete Buttigieg is feeling the heat after this wrong answer about electric vehicles

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Pete Buttigieg has emerged as Joe Biden’s point man for electric vehicles.

But it turns out he’s in over his head. 

Now Pete Buttigieg is feeling the heat after this wrong answer about electric vehicles.

Pete Buttigieg lies about the plan to eliminate gas-power vehicles

President Joe Biden has made forcing drivers into electric vehicles one of his top political priorities.

He’s tapped Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to be the public face of the campaign to sell the public on electric vehicles.

Buttigieg was grilled about electric vehicles during a hearing of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Demand for electric vehicles is weakening despite the federal government providing a $7,500 tax credit courtesy of Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

The fact is, Bidenmobiles are still expensive and impractical for the vast majority of car buyers. 

Representative Aaron Bean (R-FL) asked the Transportation Secretary about how much longer taxpayer money would be funneled into this scheme.

“Is there a time that you will say, ‘You know what? This is just too expensive. This is just too expensive, we want to rethink this policy,’” Bean asked. 

“If you think this is expensive, wait until you find out how much oil and gas subsidies you’ve been supporting,” Buttigieg whined. 

“Also, wait until you find out the economic impact that some economists have put at $15 million every hour, or every day, trillions of dollars every year from allowing the environmental conditions in this country and planet to worsen,” Buttigieg added.

A 2022 study from Emission Analytics found that electric vehicles create more air pollution than their gasoline-powered counterparts because of particle pollution from added weight on their tires.

Pete Buttigieg lies about Biden’s electric vehicle mandate

If Bidenmobiles were as wonderful as Buttigieg and their supporters claim, everyone would be rushing to buy one.

That’s why the Biden administration rolled out two de facto electric vehicle mandates. 

Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued stringent new tailpipe emission standards that will require two-thirds of new vehicles sold to be electric by 2032.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards that require automakers to dramatically increase the average fuel economy in their vehicle lineup.

Automakers could only comply with the new average fuel economy by producing more electric vehicles.

No one wants to buy electric vehicles, so the Biden administration is going to decimate gasoline-powered vehicles with government regulations.

Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) grilled Buttigieg about the de facto electric vehicle mandates.

“I’m wondering is there some point, and if you’ve identified some point, where you will stop, where the administration will stop, where the federal government will stop this requirement and let the market decide, as opposed to the central planning model and this dictatorial policy?” Perry asked.

“There is no mandate,” Buttigieg said. “You can purchase a gas car if you want to pay gas prices at the pump but if you don’t, you can purchase an EV with our help.”

Buttigieg laughably claimed that electric vehicles are a growing sector of the economy.

The Biden administration’s plan is to leave Americans with no choice but to buy an expensive Bidenmobile.