Joy Behar made one prediction about Donald Trump that she may live to regret

Photo by Nick Step, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joy Behar is among the many left-wing media members in denial about Donald Trump.

That refusal to recognize reality is coming back to haunt the Left.

And Joy Behar made one prediction about Donald Trump that she may live to regret.

Joe Biden makes a debate challenge and Donald Trump accepts

Out of nowhere, Joe Biden challenged Donald Trump to two debates.

Laid down a strict set of rules under which he would debate Trump.

First, Biden demanded that only networks that televised a debate that both Trump and Biden appeared on in 2016 and 2020 could participate.

“It should be hosted by any broadcast organization that hosted a Republican Primary debate in 2016 in which Donald Trump participated, and a Democratic primary debate in 2020 in which President Biden participated — so neither campaign can assert that the sponsoring organization is obviously unacceptable: if both candidates have previously debated on their airwaves, then neither could object to such venue,” the Biden campaign’s proposal read.

This eliminated Fox News as no Democrat will ever debate on that network.

Only CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN qualified.

Second, there could be no live studio audience.

Biden’s handlers are afraid of putting him out in front of people for a crowd to see how physically frail senile he really is.

The debate would also take place in a TV studio with the candidate’s mics automatically cut if they spoke beyond their allotted time.

Finally, Biden proposed June and September for the two debates.

Trump – who spent weeks challenging Biden to a debate – instantly accepted.

“I’m ready to go,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

“The dates that they proposed are fine. Anywhere. Anytime. Any place. Let’s see if Joe can make it to the stand-up podium,” Trump added.

Joy Behar predicts Trump won’t attend the debates

The debates were the talk of the media.

Over on The View, Joy Behar predicted Trump would harp on the fact that Biden didn’t want a studio audience as a reason to not attend.

“It gives him a way to get out of it by saying, ‘Look I’m not doing it without an audience,'” Behar stated.

Behar’s co-hosts tried to tell her that Trump already accepted the conditions and was prepared to debate Biden on the proposed terms.

But Behar – who suffers from a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome – refused to accept that Trump agreed to Biden’s ground rules.

“We’ll see when it comes time,” Behar added.

The co-hosts again tried to tell Behar that she was wrong.

But Behar was so consumed by her Trump hatred that she refused to believe her fellow liberals.

“I don’t believe him. He’s the biggest liar,” Behar declared. “I know what I was saying.”