Joe Biden is bracing for impact after this key 2024 ally came under federal investigation

Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

The 2024 Election was hit with another major curveball. 

Now one of the key players for Democrats has the feds breathing down his neck.

And Joe Biden is bracing for impact after this key 2024 ally came under federal investigation. 

UAW Union Boss now under federal investigation

Big Labor has been riddled with corruption for decades, and the powerful United Auto Workers (UAW) is no exception.

UAW President Shawn Fain and other union bosses are under investigation by a court-appointed federal monitor for retaliation against other UAW officials. 

Former Federal Prosecutor Neil Barofsky was appointed by a federal court to monitor the union.

Fain is accused of retaliating against UAW Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Mock after she refused to approve expenditures from his office.

Mock is also being investigated for being “engaged in misconduct while carrying out her financial oversight responsibilities.”

Barofsky also accuses the UAW of stonewalling him on documents that he’s requested.

“The Monitor has attempted for months to garner the Union’s cooperation in gathering the information needed to conduct a full investigation, but the Union has effectively slow-rolled the Monitor’s access to requested documents,” a court filing states.

The UAW had a court monitor appointed as part of a 2020 settlement with the Department of Justice after a massive corruption investigation.

Former UAW Dennis Williams pled guilty in 2020 to embezzling union dues – that many workers were forced to pay as a condition of employment – for luxury vacations, high-end meals, golf, and cigars.

Thirteen Union Bosses were charged in the corruption scandal, and two UAW presidents were sentenced to prison.

The monitor is also investigating allegations of embezzlement of a regional UAW Union Boss.

Michigan and the battle over electric vehicles

Fain became the first person to win a direct election to lead the UAW in its history last year.

He’s emerged as a key ally of President Joe Biden and had the UAW endorse him despite controversy over electric vehicles.

Biden’s electric vehicle agenda is poised to wipe out UAW jobs and send them overseas to China.

The UAW – with more than one billion dollars in assets – has been a major donor to Democrat campaigns and a source of manpower for get-out-the-vote operations.

Former President Donald Trump has gone on the offensive, attacking Biden’s electric vehicle agenda for the damage it would do to the American auto industry.

He’s worked to make inroads with the rank-and-file workers of the UAW.

Now, UAW members are dealing with more corruption at their union and that could give them some second thoughts about listening to Fain’s endorsement of Biden.

Michigan is one of the most important swing states in the country this election cycle.

Biden narrowly carried the state in the 2020 Election by about 150,000 votes.

The state is number one in the country for auto manufacturing jobs and has nearly 160,000 UAW workers.

Peeling off the support of UAW households could be the key to flipping the state red in November.

Now, another corruption scandal will have workers wondering if Fain is really looking out for their best interests.