Dan Crenshaw delivered one ultimatum that will enrage Donald Trump

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Dan Crenshaw wants to be the next John McCain.

Crenshaw is well on his way to being the media’s favorite Republican.

And now Dan Crenshaw delivered one ultimatum that will enrage Donald Trump.

Crenshaw attacks conservatives winning key committee spots

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) appointed conservatives Scott Perry (R-PA) and Dr. Ronny  Jackson (R-TX) to the House Intelligence Committee.

Normally, the House Steering Committee handles committee assignments.

But the Speaker holds the power to unilaterally appoint members to the committee.

Johnson is facing discontent on his Right over acting as a Joe Biden loyalist since taking the gavel.

Speaker Johnson helped ram through Biden’s priorities like a slush fund for the Ukraine war and a spending bill that funded transgender ideology, abortion-on-demand, and open borders.

The only chance Johnson has to keep power in the next Congress is to placate Trump.

That’s why Johnson put two of Trump’s favorite conservatives on the Intelligence Committee.

The Intelligence Committee was ground zero for Adam Schiff running the Ukraine and Russia collusion hoaxes against Trump, so it didn’t come as any surprise Trump wanted eyes and ears on the committee.

RINOs explode

RINO Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw pitched a fit over Jackson and Perry’s appointment.

“It upends the meritocracy that has long been the defining practice on Intel,” Crenshaw whined.

Crenshaw is an establishment moderate who hates the House Freedom Caucus.

In an interview with POLITICO, Crenshaw warned that he and his fellow RINOs could also band together to make Johnson’s life miserable.

“The speaker needs to remember that there isn’t only one group that can threaten them. […] Just do not teach the lesson that the only way for us to be effective here is threatening, because I’ll take the lesson and I’ll do it,” Crenshaw stated.

Crenshaw and other pro-swamp Republicans could form a coalition government with Democrats by signing discharge petitions to bring Democrat bills on gun control, amnesty, and the Green New Deal to the floor for a vote.

Crenshaw – who supported a federal vaccine database, spoke favorably of red flag laws, and never met a Ukraine funding bill he won’t support – is horrified over the fact two veterans won a post to the intelligence committee.

Perry pushes back

Dr. Ronny Jackson is a Navy Officer who served as the White House physician for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Perry is a retired Army National Guard Brigadier General with four decades of service on his resume.

“I’ve held a national security clearance for decades and I think that’s important to him, and I think he also wanted some different viewpoints on the committee,” Perry stated in a video defending his appointment to the Intelligence Committee.

“My 40 years of experience and service to our Nation speaks for itself,” Perry added.

The military records of Perry and Jackson make a mockery of Crenshaw’s complaints about meritocracy.

What upsets Crenshaw is conservatives gaining a foothold on a committee that helps shape policy on renewing FISA and the ability of Joe Biden to spy on Trump supporters without obtaining a warrant and the war in Ukraine.