Bill O’Reilly delivered one piece of terrifying news to Donald Trump

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Bill O’Reilly’s known Donald Trump for more than 30 years.

But O’Reilly knew this was the toughest thing he’d ever have to say.

And Bill O’Reilly delivered one piece of terrifying news to Donald Trump.

Bill O’Reilly analyzes ABC debate

O’Reilly made a surprising appearance on CNN with host Laura Coates to analyze the debate.

Neither candidate impressed O’Reilly and he said neither could fairly be judged the winner.

“When you are assessing a debate like this and you’re going to say, well, who won? The American people should be winners of all political debates. That did not happen on Tuesday night. So neither candidate won the debate on merits,” O’Reilly stated.

O’Reilly panned Kamala Harris’ performance for failing to outline her policy agenda and leaving Americans doubting they could trust her.

“Kamala Harris obviously is dubious to many voters. All right, because they don’t know who she is. She doesn’t do interviews routinely. Her people keep her away from all press conferences. Any kind of unscripted event. Here’s an unscripted event that Kamala Harris could say: ‘Look. Here’s who I am, and this is what I believe,’” O’Reilly began.

O’Reilly told Coates that Kamala Harris failed to answer questions about why she changed her positions on fracking, defunding the police, illegal immigration and gun confiscation.

But O’Reilly also argued that Kamala Harris left lingering questions with comments about how her values haven’t changed.

O’Reilly told Coates that Americans were asking themselves what kind of values would Kamala Harris must have if she opened the border to more than 11,000,000 illegal aliens and sparked an inflation crisis by casting the tie-breaking votes for trillions in new spending.

“It’s not enough to say my values are the same. What values? What are you talking about? Is an open border? Value of yours, do you believe that foreign nationals you just pour in here and cause chaos is that a value? What happened to inflation? Why did it ignite so quickly? What kind of value is that? American working people are getting hurt. Those are the kinds of questions that the audience, all 60 million of them, wanted to hear,” O’Reilly stated.

Bill O’Reilly goes on CNN and disses Trump debate performance

But O’Reilly reserved his harshest criticism for Trump’s outing.

O’Reilly criticized Trump for letting Kamala Harris bait him into driving himself into rhetorical cul de sacs where he spent more time defending himself from irrelevant digs designed to get under his skin than attacking Kamala Harris as a continuation of the failures of the last four years.

“Mr. Trump allowed himself to be baited into talking about things that are totally irrelevant to our life in America today. I mean, totally. And the vice president simply wouldn’t answer any direct questions. I mean, I listed them. I think there were eight direct questions that she dodged the not answered and, unfortunately, the moderators did not hold the vice president accountable or follow up and say, as you and I would’ve said: ‘That’s nice, but you really didn’t answer the question.’ On that basis no one won. The American people didn’t win,” O’Reilly continued.

But O’Reilly admitted that he’s known Trump for nearly four decades and that Donald Trump will never be able to discipline himself to stay on message even if it’s in his best interests.

“Donald Trump, for whatever reason, I don’t know, and I know the man as well as anybody on Earth. I wrote a book on Trump . . . I’ve known him about 35 years. He can’t discipline himself not to take the bait. So the Vice President baits him with: ‘Have you ever been to a Trump rally? People leave.’ All Trump had to say was ‘You would be lucky to have the attendance I have, Mrs Vice President, at my rally.’ That’s it,” O’Reilly concluded.