A Taco Bell manager just proved that not all heroes wear capes with this life-saving move

Photo by larry penaloza from Pexels

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

They also cross all professions.

And a Taco Bell manager just proved that not all heroes wear capes with this life-saving move.

Natasha Long went to Taco Bell for lunch just like she often has over the years.

Long had her 11-month old son Miles with her in the passenger seat.

While sitting in the drive through, Long noticed her son was struggling to breathe.

“I ran out of the car and ran around and opened the car door,” Long said. “I pulled him out and he turned completely blue and was lifeless.”

“At that point, I just completely blacked out,” she added. “I didn’t know what to do.”

Long started to scream and panic out of fear for her son’s life.

That’s when Taco Bell manager Becky Arbaugh sprung into action and showed that not all heroes wear capes.

“I threw my headset, I ran outside,” she said. “So I took the baby and I started to do chest compressions on the baby and then he finally started to breathe.”

Arbaugh is a hero in the eyes of the boy’s mother.

But Becky Arbaugh refuses to accept being labeled a “hero.”

Instead, she said she’s just a mom.

“I just thought of myself as a mom with another mom who needed help,” she said.

Arbaugh said something similar happened to her daughter when she was little, which is how she knew exactly what to do in this situation.

“When my kids were little, my daughter had a similar incident, so I knew what she was feeling,” Arbaugh said. “I knew if I kept her calm and I stayed calm, there was no thought in my mind that the baby wasn’t going to breathe again.”

Taco Bell released a statement praising Arbaugh for her heroic deed.

“We are incredibly proud of Becky from the Taco Bell brand’s Richboro, PA, location for her heroic act,” the statement read. “We are getting in touch to express appreciation for her quick actions and kindness.”

Long and Arbaugh have remained in touch since the incident and have become close friends.

“We couldn’t be more grateful to Becky,” Long said. “She saved my son’s life.”

Baby Miles was taken to the St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children for treatment and is doing fine.

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