Tommy Tuberville dropped the hammer on Kamala Harris for this awful failure

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Kamala Harris’ record is in the spotlight now that she’s replaced Joe Biden. 

The public isn’t going to like what they’re going to see.

And Tommy Tuberville dropped the hammer on Kamala Harris for this awful failure. 

Kamala Harris’ failure at the border will haunt her

President Joe Biden passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris when he made his shocking decision to end his re-election campaign.

Now, her record is coming under fire as the presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee.

Harris served as Biden’s “Border Czar” while the worst border crisis in the country’s history unfolded during their administration.

Democrats and their media allies desperately want to avoid having to talk about her record.

Immigration is one of the most important issues for voters this election cycle.

Harris has the same political vulnerability on it that Biden does.

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) weighed in on Kamala Harris becoming the likely Democrat nominee during an appearance on Fox Business.

“She is even farther Left than Joe Biden,” Tuberville said. “I didn’t think they could pick anybody worse, but they did.”

He wondered how she could get a promotion after her spectacular failure as “Border Czar.”

“I mean, how can you put somebody in charge of a situation where you let 15, possibly even 20 million people come in our country?” Tuberville wondered.

Criminals are pouring into the country from the southern border

Tuberville pointed out that many Central and Southern American countries are emptying their prisons and exporting their problems to the United States.

“Now, some of these people are good, but most of them are garbage,” Tuberville explained. “They come from jails and prisons from other countries. And they’ve known that.”

The country has been rocked by multiple high-profile murders by illegal aliens with criminal records, including Georgia nursing student Laken Riley and Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin. 

“And so, we’re gonna live in very tough times in the years to come because of a lot of these people that have come in here with different agendas other than living in the great country that we live in now,” Tuberville added.

Venezuela has emptied its prisons and mental institutions to dump its problems off on America.

Former President Donald Trump warned about the rise in crime from illegal aliens during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

“As we say now, every new state is a border state,” Trump said. “Whether it’s Idaho Iowa or Ohio, it doesn’t make any difference. They’re all border states because they’re all pouring through our country.”

Trump said that the Biden border crisis was creating a new form of crime.

“And if you look at it Venezuela, their crime is down 72%,” Trump explained. “Their crime– think of it. Down the 72 and ours is up. And we’re gonna have a new form of crime because these people are just getting comfortable. They’re just getting settled in. We’re gonna have a new form of crime and it’s called Biden migrant crime.”

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris opened the border to allow violent criminals to walk into the country.