This lie Joe Biden told during his speech at the DNC could come back to haunt Kamala Harris in November

Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Truth doesn’t matter to Democrats.

Democrats will say anything if they believe it helps them politically.

But this lie Joe Biden told during his speech at the DNC could come back to haunt Kamala Harris in November.

Democrats are hell-bent on ending the use of fossil fuels and forcing Americans to drive expensive, inefficient electric vehicles (EVs) to allegedly save the planet from human-caused climate change.

The Biden-Harris administration enacted a mandate that two-thirds of cars in America sold by 2032 be electric vehicles.

Of course, there are a number of issues with electric vehicles that make them unpopular with Americans.

The biggest issue is a lack of charging stations needed to recharge the battery on long road trips.

In the billions of dollars Democrats spent with the so-called infrastructure bill, 500,000 charging stations were supposed to be built all across the country.

Joe Biden bragged about these charging stations during his speech on Monday at the Democrat National Convention.

“With your support, we passed the most significant climate law in the history of mankind,” he said. “Over $370 billion, cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030, launching a climate corps similar to AmeriCorps and Peace Corps, creating tens of thousands of jobs for young people in the future.” 

“We’re going to make sure this continues,” Biden continued before adding, “Creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for American workers, including the IBW installing 500,000 charging stations all across America.”

But there was one major problem with Joe Biden’s claim.

It’s not true.

500,000 stations haven’t been built.

The reality is that only eight charging stations have been built since Democrats passed the infrastructure bill.

“The Biden Administration’s $7.5 billion effort to jump-start the electric-vehicle charging landscape is moving very, very slowly,” Autoweek reported. “Now more than two years after the program was signed into law in late 2021, only eight chargers have been put in place.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was asked about the eight charging stations during an interview with CBS in May.

When Buttigieg tried to explain away the eight charging stations, host Margeret Brennan laughed in his face.

Kamala Harris has a role in Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandates.

She cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate on the bill that allocated over $7.5 billion for charging stations to be built.

Poll after poll shows Americans reject the push by Democrats to force them into EVs.

And Kamala Harris could pay a price in November for their quest to abolish fossil fuels.