Senate Democrats just released one proposal that made some feminists regret pushing for equality

Photo by Trev Adams from Pexels

The radical Left views everything through the lens of gender and race.

But their obsession with “gender equality” is backfiring.

And Senate Democrats just released one proposal that made some feminists regret pushing for equality.

Joe Biden’s Presidency has been a total disaster.

But one of Biden’s biggest blunders comes in the area of foreign policy.

A few months after he became President, Joe Biden botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Biden left billions of dollars worth of top military weapons and ammunition in Afghanistan for the Taliban, and his botched withdrawal resulted in 13 dead American soldiers.

His proxy war with Russia in Ukraine has many Americans more concerned than ever about the possibility of World War III breaking out at any moment.

Then there’s also military engagements in Iraq and Syria, in the Red Sea against Houthi soldiers, and Israel’s war in Gaza.

The Senate is currently working on drafting the final version of the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The NDAA sets the military’s budget for the next Fiscal Year.

And Senate Democrats are looking to expand the military by forcing women to register for selective service.

“Senate Democrats have added language to the annual defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft, prompting a backlash from Republicans and social conservatives and complicating the chances of moving the bill on the Senate floor before Election Day,” The Hill reported.

Republican Senators are pushing back on the effort to draft women into the military.

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) is the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee and has vowed to remove the language requiring women to register for selective service from the NDAA.

“I hope it will fall out, either on the floor or in conference,” he told The Hill.

Wicker has been fighting Democrat efforts to draft women for years.

“I applaud the women who volunteer to serve in the military and who sacrifice every day for our country’s freedom, but to compel their service by law is wrong,” he said in 2021. “I along with millions of other Americans cannot support the idea that our daughters and granddaughters would be forced to fight in our next military conflict against their will.”

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) called the move “insane.”

“There shouldn’t be women in the draft,” he told Fox News. “They shouldn’t be forced to serve if they don’t want to.”

But Democrat Committee Chairman Jack Reed (D-RI) rejected Wicker and Hawley’s position and vowed to continue pushing to draft women into the military.

“We have had amendments that would have required women to register and we can’t get any real traction on the other side,” he told CNN. “We are going to try to do it. It makes sense. The military now is a mixed force.”

This move could hurt Democrats in November, especially in places like Montana and Nevada.

Republican Senate candidate Sam Brown is running for Senate against Democrat Jacky Rosen in Nevada.

Brown is an Army veteran who suffered severe burns to his face from an improvised explosive device (IED).

And in a video posted to X, he ripped Democrats for wanting to draft women into combat.

“Look at my face,” he wrote. “This is the high cost of war.”

“Amy and I volunteered to serve, and we honor all who serve,” he continued. “But forcing America’s daughters to register for the draft is UNACCEPTABLE.”

“Shame on Jacky Rosen,” he added.

Feminists have spent years cloaking their radical views under the guise of “equality.”

They wanted “equality.”

And Senate Democrats are trying to give it to them by forcing women to register for the draft.