Prince Harry got one sick favor from the Biden-Harris administration that created a scandal

Photo by Mark Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Prince Harry is living a charmed life after he moved to Southern California. 

Now all of that is being thrown into turmoil. 

And Prince Harry got one sick favor from the Biden-Harris administration that created a scandal. 

Prince Harry got special treatment to reside in the United States

Prince Harry and his wife, D-list actress Meghan Markle, quit their roles as senior members of the British Royal Family in 2020.

The couple fled the United Kingdom to relocate to the wealthy enclave of Montecito, California outside of Santa Barbara.

Harry had to apply for a visa with the Department of Homeland Security to be able to legally reside in the United States. 

One of the questions on his visa application asked about the use of illegal drugs. 

Harry admitted in his memoir, Spare, to using marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Illegal drug use almost always results in a visa application for residency being rejected. 

That meant that one of two things happened. 

Harry either lied on his application or he told the truth about using illegal drugs and received a favor from someone in the Biden-Harris administration. 

That’s why the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to get a copy of Harry’s visa application. 

Homeland Security stonewalled them so they filed a lawsuit in federal court to get it. 

Secret ruling by a judge shuts down inquiry into Prince Harry

“[The case] comes about in the main because HRH [His Royal Highness] voluntarily—and for immense profit—admitted in writing to the elements of any number of controlled substance violations. (Indeed, some say HRH has approached the point of bragging and encouraging illegal drug use.),” the Heritage lawyers wrote. 

“The Duke of Sussex did so despite the fact that it is widely known that such admissions can have adverse immigration consequences for non-citizens and despite employing preeminent legal advisors on both sides of the Atlantic,” the lawyers added. 

Homeland Security lawyers argued that turning over the visa application was a violation of Harry’s privacy. 

Now, the case is dead after a secret ruling of a judge. 

D.C. District Court Judge Carl J. Nichols closed the case and sealed the order. 

Heritage Foundation Oversight Project chief counsel Kyle Brosnan said that his group was in the dark because of the judge’s ruling. 

“Prince Harry repeatedly admitted to using illegal drugs in his memoir,” Brosnan told Newsweek. “This fact alone makes him inadmissible into the United States. We sued to get answers to a simple question of whether the government gave Prince Harry preferential treatment when he entered the country.”

Harry’s preferential treatment now appears to extend to the courtroom.

“It appears the judge has ruled and that ruling is under seal. We know nothing about how the judge ruled,” Brosnan continued. “No one should read into the order, or the fact that it is under seal. We have always said this case is unique and opinions can be initially sealed in such cases. We will continue to monitor the situation.”

Former President Donald Trump has suggested he would have Prince Harry deported over the application controversy. 

So you can be sure Prince Harry will be eagerly watching the results on election night roll in.