Marco Rubio was in disbelief after NBC’s Kristen Welker made one claim about Hunter Biden’s laptop

Photo by Marco Rubio CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The New York Post broke the story on Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell” in October of 2020.

The corporate-controlled media quickly dismissed the story as “Russian disinformation” against Joe Biden.

That’s why Marco Rubio was in disbelief after NBC’s Kristen Welker made one claim about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

In October of 2020, the New York Post published a bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s missing laptop containing hordes of evidence of a foreign influence peddling scheme that involved his father.

Joe Biden’s campaign denounced the story as “Russian disinformation.”

Big Tech assisted Biden by censoring any mention of the story from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

The corporate-controlled media parroted the narrative given to them by the Biden campaign that the laptop did not belong to Hunter and was nothing more than election interference from Russia.

Of course, it has now been proven that the laptop was real and did in fact belong to Hunter Biden.

The election was long over once the truth emerged to the public.

But some media elites refuse to admit that they dismissed the story as Russian disinformation.

On Sunday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) appeared for an interview with Kristen Welker on NBC’s Meet the Press.

Hunter Biden’s laptop came up during the interview.

And Marco Rubio was shocked by what Welker claimed about the laptop.

“What undermines elections is when Meet the– when NBC News and every major news outlet in America in 2020 censored the Biden laptop story, which turned out to be true, not Russian misinformation,” Rubio told Welker. “Unprecedented.” 

“Only you couldn’t even talk about it on social media, they would deplatform you,” he recalled. “People look at all this, they look at what happened in Arizona– 200,000 ballots that had–”

Welker interrupted Rubio mid-sentence and declared that “absolutely we covered the laptop.”

“It was banned, you couldn’t even talk about it on social media,” Rubio fired back.  “You couldn’t even talk about it because you were called– they said it was Russian disinformation.” 

“Senator– Senator Rubio,” Welker said, before Rubio interrupted with “and voters, in many cases, didn’t ever hear about it.” 

“We did,” Welker claimed, to which Rubio interjected, “because it was blacked out by the media.”

Rubio is correct about the laptop impacting the election and the media cover-up.

A post election poll from the Media Research Center showed that one in six Biden voters would not have backed him if they knew the truth about his scandals.

As for the media, former CNN host Brian Stelter ran cover on the Hunter Biden story for years.

In fact, when the story first broke he dismissed it on his ironically misnamed show Reliable Sources as a “manufactured scandal” and called it a “classic example of the right-wing media machine.” 

The corporate-controlled media will never admit to being an asset for the Democrats.