Liz Cheney got called out for this unlawful act at the Supreme Court

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Ruano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

RINO former Congresswoman Liz Cheney could find herself in the middle of a huge mess.

Cheney’s conduct has massive implications for the 2024 election.

And Liz Cheney got called out for this unlawful act at the Supreme Court.

Amicus brief calls January 6 Committee unlawful

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court asking it to stay his prison sentence for Contempt of Congress.

A federal Judge ordered Bannon to report for his four-month sentence, which would mean Bannon – who hosts the immensely popular War Room podcast – would be off the board during the election.

Republicans in Congress are preparing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court arguing the January 6 Committee was illegally constituted because of Liz Cheney’s appointment as vice chair.

A Congressional Committee must have a chair and a vice chair.

The Minority Leader picks the vice chair.

But then Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy withdrew all his picks for the January 6 Committee after Nancy Pelosi refused to let Jim Jordan (R-OH) serve.

Pelosi then named Liz Cheney the vice chair herself, meaning the Committee didn’t have the proper leadership structure.

Committee accused of suppressing evidence

Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) chairs the subcommittee investigating the January 6 Committee.

Loudermilk told the Daily Caller that his amicus brief will also detail the misconduct on the part of the January 6 Committee that his investigation uncovered.

“My Committee has spent the past year and a half turning over every rock, examining every shred of evidence, and investigating the entirety of operations of Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson’s Select Committee on January 6th,” said in an interview with the Daily Caller.

Loudermilk said the Committee suppressed witness testimony like that of the Secret Service limo driver who disputed the false testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson that Donald Trump attacked his driver and attempted to commandeer his vehicle when the Secret Service refused to take him to the Capitol on January 6.

The January 6 Committee also selectively leaked video to falsely portray the events of that day as an insurrection.

“We have resoundingly discovered that they were not completely truthful with the American people. They had little regard for House rules and no regard for transparency. They surpressed key pieces of evidence, cherry-picked evidence that supported their narrative, and played a 20 Million dollar blame-game to frame President Trump and Republicans,” Loudermilk added.

Loudermilk named Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi as the driving forces of the January 6 witch hunt, an illegally constituted Committee, whose work led to Joe Biden unjustly jailing Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.

“While Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney’s two year inquisition may have entertained the media and kept numerous Democrat lawyers busy, it had very real world implications, which we see in the imprisonment of Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon. However, the previously suppressed evidence uncovered by my subcommittee exposes that their “findings” were not supported by the facts, evidence, and sworn testimonies,” Loudermilk concluded.

Republicans in Wyoming held Liz Cheney accountable by handing her a landslide 37-point defeat in her 2022 Primary.

Now, Republicans believe it’s time to hold Cheney accountable by overturning a conviction that resulted from a lawless Committee.