Kid Rock taught this Rolling Stone reporter one lesson on the Second Amendment he will never forget

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Country rock star Kid Rock is not afraid to speak his mind and voice his opinions on the hot-button issues of the day.

He’s one of the few celebrities who openly supports Donald Trump.

And Kid Rock taught this Rolling Stone reporter one lesson on the Second Amendment he will never forget.

Rolling Stone reporter David Peisner recently interviewed Rock at his home in Tennessee.

A wide range of topics came up during the interview, including the Left’s woke gender ideology and the 2020 Presidential election.

And apparently Kid Rock’s politically incorrect views were too much for Peisner to handle.

When Peisner arrived, Kid Rock introduced a staff member he referred to as “Uncle Tom.”

“That’s his real name, by the way,” Rock said. “Don’t give me some s*** in the article.”

Peisner asked Rock if he ever considered that he “might be on the wrong side of history” by supporting Donald Trump for President.

Kid Rock responded by telling Peisner that Detroit rapper Trick Trick stands behind his loyalty to Donald Trump.

In his column, Peisner claimed that Kid Rock used a racial slur several times during the interview.

He wrote that “it’s worth mentioning these are not the only times Ritchie drops” a racial slur.

Kid Rock’s real name is Robert James Ritchie. 

“It’d be easy to label this as the rantings of a drunk racist, but as with everything that Ritchie does, it’s hard to know how calculated it all is,” Peisner wrote.  “Is he just trying to get a reaction? Is he begging to be pilloried when this story comes out so he can launch into a very public tirade against ‘cancel culture’? Is this all just a play for more attention?”

But it was Kid Rock demonstrating his Second Amendment views that led to Peisner’s meltdown.

Peisner claimed that a drunken Kid Rock waved a gun in his face during the interview.

“He’s sitting in a dark leather chair, shouting at me about something or other, when he reaches behind the seat, pulls out a black handgun, and waves it around to make some sort of point,” Peisner wrote. 

He claimed that Kid Rock then said “and I got a f****** gun right here if I need it! I got them everywhere!”

Peisner decided it was time for him to leave, but wrote that Kid Rock stood “chest to chest” with him before a staff member escorted him off the property. 

Kid Rock trolled Peisner by declaring that “I’m part of the problem, I’m one of the polarizing people, no question.”

“I’m not going to get it right every time, but I know my heart’s right,” he continued. “I want the best for this country.”

He also begged Peisner to write “the most horrific article” about him because it would only boost his sales and status.

“Just write the most horrific article about me,” Kid Rock said. “Do it. It helps me.”