Karine Jean-Pierre ruined Kamala Harris with one damaging confession

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Many Americans think Karine Jean-Pierre is the worst White House Press Secretary of their lifetime.

There are no doubt many of Kamala Harris’ handlers in those ranks.

And Karine Jean-Pierre ruined Kamala Harris with one damaging confession.

Karine Jean-Pierre admits Kamla Harris is a continuation of Joe Biden

Kamala Harris is trying to thread a very narrow needle.

The goal of the campaign is to trick voters into thinking that Kamala Harris is the change candidate to turn the page from Joe Biden’s disastrous Presidency, despite the fact that Kamala Harris is the sitting Vice President.

With the most recent New York Times/Siena poll showing just 30 percent of voters believing the country is on the right track, voters seeing Kamala Harris as the “change” candidate is her only path to victory.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre complicated those plans.

During a recent press briefing, Jean-Pierre emphasized the close “partnership” between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“We want to make sure that people understand that his continues to be a partnership – this is a partnership. And we’ve said that over the last three-and-half years,” Jean-Pierre began.

Jean-Pierre added insult to injury by declaring that Biden fully supported Kamala Harris’ agenda.

“And the President respects her leadership. He respects her bold policy ideas . . . And he supports that,” Jean-Pierre added.

Jean-Pierre emphasized that the American people needed to know that Kamala Harris would continue Joe Biden’s policies.

“It’s important for the American people to understand that,” Jean-Pierre concluded.

Why Jean-Pierre’s comments are so damaging

Political observers understand there are two types of elections.

And they are “change” or “status quo.”

Famed Democrat strategist James Carville deemed this a “change election.”

The polls bear that out.

And The New York Times/ Siena poll showed that Jean-Pierre’s admission that Kamala Harris represented a continuation of Joe Biden’s administration could be the death knell of Kamala Harris’ campaign.

The Times/Siena poll found Trump leading Kamala Harris 48 to 47 percent because voters saw Donald Trump as the candidate of change and Kamala Harris as representing the status quo. 

“If November is about change, Ms. Harris will need to make the case that she can deliver it. More than 60 percent of likely voters said the next president should represent a major change from Mr. Biden, but only 25 percent said the vice president represented that change, while 53 percent said Mr. Trump, the former president, did,” The Times reported.

Democrats knew this was always the danger of running Kamala Harris as the replacement for Joe Biden.

That’s why Democrats swapped out Kamala Harris for Joe Biden at the last possible moment.

The July switcheroo created what amounted to a snap election like what’s seen in the European parliamentary system when the ruling party calls for a quick vote following a political setback.

But the polls show that the voters saw through the smokescreen and agree with Karine Jean-Pierre that Kamala Harris is linked to Joe Biden.