Karine Jean-Pierre made one shocking confession about Alvin Bragg

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats and the media claim there is no link between Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s persecution of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

That story completely fell apart.

And that’s because Karine Jean-Pierre made one shocking confession about Alvin Bragg.

Jean-Pierre said Manhattan case moved on Justice Department’s “timeline”

Fox Business Network reported Edward Lawrence had what should have been a simple question for Jean-Pierre.

“The President talks about threats to democracy,” Lawrence began.

“How is it not a threat to democracy when you have a prosecutor from the same political party as the President waiting seven years . . . to prosecute in an election year a former President who is now an opponent?” Lawrence concluded.

Jean-Pierre’s response left jaws in the ground.

“That’s a question for the Department of Justice on their timeline and how this moves. I can’t answer that for you here,” Jean-Pierre stated.

Donald Trump’s repeatedly blasted the Bragg trial as rigged and a sham.

Trump argued that Biden orchestrated the entire affair and even sent the number three official in the Justice Department – Matthew Colangelo – to Bragg’s office to jump-start the witch hunt.

Democrats and the media claim there is no evidence Biden or the Justice Department played any role in Bragg prosecuting Trump.

Karine Jean-Pierre claims she misspoke

After the briefing, Jean-Pierre told the New York Post that she misspoke.

Jean-Pierre claimed that when she said the case moved on the Justice Department’s timeline that she “meant Bragg.” 

The Trump campaign wasn’t buying that walkback.

“This wasn’t a misspeak as the White House claims, this was another example of KJP not knowing what the hell is going on, just like her boss, Crooked Joe,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt stated.

Beyond the fact that one of Joe Biden’s top prosecutors moved from main Justice to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in the middle of an investigation into Joe Biden’s chief political rival, this case couldn’t have moved forward without the blessing of the Biden administration and specifically Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Supreme Court case law gives the federal government total authority over federal campaign finance law.

Alvin Bragg sought to usurp that authority so he could bump up a stale misdemeanor charge of falsification of business records into a felony.

Had a county Republican District Attorney sought to enforce federal campaign finance law against a Democrat, there is zero chance the Justice Department would have allowed the case to proceed.

The Justice Department would have filed motions in court to stop the prosecution on the grounds a local district attorney doesn’t have jurisdiction over federal campaign finance law.

The fact that the Justice Department sat on its hands as Bragg pushed this case forward meant that, at the very least, Garland wanted to see the case go to trial.

And that proves Donald Trump is 100 percent correct in calling this witch hunt a “Biden trial.”