Kamala Harris made a stunning confession about Joe Biden’s cognitive state

Photo by U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 DEED, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Joe Biden practically vanished from view after dropping out of the Presidential race.

Americans are wondering who’s running the country.

And Kamala Harris made a stunning confession about Joe Biden’s cognitive state.

Kamala Harris claims she is the President

Harris delivered a eulogy for the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), who passed away following a battle with cancer.

Harris extolled Jackson Lee for always fighting for the Left’s major causes during her time in Congress.

“The Congresswoman was a leader for Houston and she was a national leader. She was a national leader. She touched the lives of people all over our country. As a champion for women’s rights, she helped reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. As a fighter for LGBTQ rights, her support helped repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Harris stated.

“As a lifelong advocate for our nation’s children, she founded the Congressional Children’s Caucus. And as a leader who believed deeply that America’s true and full history must be acknowledged and honored, it was Sheila Jackson Lee whose bill made Juneteenth a federal holiday,” Harris remarked.

But then Harris brought the crowd to their feet with a Freudian slip where she referred to herself as “President.”

“Which, as a United States Senator, I was proud to co-sponsor. And then as President — as vice president, it was my honor — it was my honor, with the, with our president, Joe Biden, to stand beside Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as our president signed her bill into law,” Harris added.

Joe Biden’s whereabouts

Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race on July 21 with a statement on social media.

The last the public saw of Biden was boarding Air Force One on July 19 after testing positive for COVID.

America actually didn’t see Biden speak to the country until July 24.

And even then, Biden never addressed why he really quit the Presidential race.

Biden disappeared again and only reappeared to falsely claim he freed hostages from Russia taken while Donald Trump was President – even though two of the three were taken captive during Biden’s administration.

In the meantime, Hezbollah murdered Israeli children and the Israelis responded by killing Hezbollah leaders.

The world inched closer to all out-war in the Middle East, with Iran threatening to retaliate.

And Americans really have no idea who is in charge at the moment.

Joe Biden’s been mentally shot for years.

Many Americans have long suspected that Harris and key staffers were the ones really in charge.

Harris may have been measuring the drapes, thinking the burst of momentum from entering the race will carry her to victory in November.

Or, Harris could have slipped up and given a peek behind the curtain as to what was really going on.