Jen Psaki revealed the one thing Donald Trump said that scared her the most

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jen Psaki is now one of MSNBC’s leading voices.

From that position, Psaki can still help shape the messaging of the Democrat Party.

And Jen Psaki revealed the one thing Donald Trump said that scared her the most.

Jen Psaki worried about Trump’s declaration to “Fight!”

Donald Trump rising to his feet after getting shot in the head and pumping his fist while blood poured down his face while imploring the crowd to “Fight!” after the first assassination attempt against him is an iconic image in American politics.

It was an inspiring visual for many Americans.

But not Jen Psaki.

Speaking to her guest, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Psaki claimed Trump’s declaration to “Fight!” following the first assassination attempt and subsequent “Fight!” post on Truth Social following the second assassination attempt scared her.

“And you hear this ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ chant, which you heard Trump do right after the shooting in Butler. We saw that once again on TRUTH Social,” Psaki began.

“That does scare me a little bit,” Psaki added.

Elizabeth Warren spreads misinformation about Trump 

Like every other elected Democrat and liberal media personality, Warren picked up on the theme that Donald Trump brought these assassination attempts against himself.

“So, I have to say – look, I’m a fighter. I have written books that talk about fighting,” Warren stated.

“But I mean [fight] with words. That’s all that this means. In a democracy, we need to be able to go back and forth with our words. We need to be able to disagree and to put those issues in front of the American people. That’s how we inform people about our positions. That’s how we get back in and make a decision that the majority of Americans want. And it’s only by talking about those,” Warren continued.

Warren then appeared to justify the attempts on Trump’s life by falsely claiming Donald Trump incited an insurrection on January 6.

“But that is very, very different from a man who incited an insurrection, a man who refers to his political rivals as vermin, a man who has said just in recent days that he wants to lock up the people who don’t agree with him,” Warren declared.

Then – despite not citing any evidence – Warren claimed Donald Trump’s mere existence put lives at risk.

“That is a very, very different kind of approach not just to politics, but to democracy, and one that ultimately does put our democracy at risk, puts us all at risk,” Warren concluded.

Deranged individuals, like the two assassins who tried to kill Donald Trump, hear this type of rhetoric coming from Psaki and Warren and think it’s a moral imperative to take Trump out because he’s an existential threat to the lives and safety of the American people.