Jack Smith fears a Judge handing Donald Trump this major win

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Special counsel Jack Smith just got thrown for a loop.

Smith’s lawfare against Donald Trump got turned upside down.

And Jack Smith fears a Judge handing Donald Trump this major win.

Judge sounds skeptical note on proposed Trump gag order

Smith and fellow Democrat prosecutor Alvin Bragg successfully conspired with Democrat Judges Tanya Chutkan and Juan Merchan to weaponize the courts to regulate Donald Trump’s political speech during the Presidential campaign.

In the rigged Manhattan and January 6 show trials, anti-Trump activists Merchan and Chutkan swallowed the lie that Donald Trump’s very speech amounted to violence.

That led to a situation where two Democrat prosecutors – one elected and one working for Joe Biden – successfully imposed the ability for two Democrat judges to grant themselves the right to approve Donald Trump’s political speech under penalty of jail.

Joe Biden’s free to say whatever he wants, but if Donald Trump defends himself, then judges from Joe Biden’s political party can lock Trump in a cage.

Smith tried to pull the same trick in the Mar-a-Lago document hoax, asking Judge Aileen Cannon to ban Trump from criticizing Joe Biden’s weaponized justice system or else Cannon could order Trump to prison.

Judge Cannon is a seemingly fair-minded judge who properly rejected Smith’s scheme to rocket docket this case to trial before the election.

And Judge Cannon had no time for Smith’s attorneys giving her lip over the fact that she wouldn’t roll over Smith’s unconstitutional and lawless attempt to use the courts to help Joe Biden win the election.

Smith sought a gag order to prevent Trump from criticizing the FBI and Justice Department after Trump fired off a series of social media posts and emails upon learning that Biden’s FBI developed a plan to use lethal force as part of the August 22 raid of Mar-a-Lago.

“I don’t appreciate your tone,” U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon told Smith Prosecuting Attorney David Harbach. “I didn’t mean to be unprofessional,” Harbach replied.

Trump’s lawyers exposed Smith’s sham attempt to put himself in control of what Trump can and can’t say on the campaign trail.

“If you look at the actual posts, there’s no threats to FBI agents,” Blanche told Cannon. 

“The attacks are against Joe Biden,” Blanche added.

Cannon saw through Smith’s motion by noting the court redacted the names of the FBI agents who participated in the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Cannon said Smith failed to show an “actual connection between A & B” in terms of Trump’s words and violence.

Judge Cannon easily determined Smith essentially asked her to prevent Trump from saying things Joe Biden didn’t like on the campaign trail.

What’s really going on

Over on Fox News, former Federal Prosecutor Andy McCarthy explained that Democrat prosecutors like Smith and Alvin Bragg sought these gag orders as a proxy means to use a court to deem Trump guilty of incitement since Smith and Bragg lacked evidence to charge Trump with that crime.

“I also think that what they’re doing here is defining incitement down and defining other crimes down,” McCarthy stated. 

“In other words, if Trump commits incitement, you know, if he actually says something that would directly cause imminent harm, you can charge him with that. If he obstructs justice, if he intimidates jurors or the like, you can charge him with that,” McCarthy continued.

“They don’t have that kind of evidence so what they’re trying to do is have the sweeping order that treats him as if he’s already been convicted of these things that they don’t have evidence to bring against him,” McCarthy concluded.

The gag order is the court stamp of approval of Joe Biden’s campaign argument that Donald Trump is a danger to democracy because he incites terrorist mobs to violence.

Judge Cannon was wise to the scam Smith wants to pull, and it looks like she will shut it down.