J.D. Vance left this ABC host speechless when he dropped a truth bomb about Venezuelan gangs in Colorado

vance.senate.gov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Over 10 million illegal aliens have entered the country on border czar Kamala Harris’s watch.

Many of these illegal aliens are criminals and hardened gang members.

And J.D. Vance left this ABC host speechless when he dropped a truth bomb about Venezuelan gangs in Colorado.

The corporate-controlled media has always been in the back pocket of the Democrat Party.

But with Donald Trump’s campaign surging in the polls, left-wing reporters are using the nightly news as one giant infomercial for Kamala Harris’ campaign.

Donald Trump set off a firestorm in his debate with Kamala when he pointed out that residents in Springfield, Ohio have reported that Haitians are taking their cats and dogs to eat.

“In Springfield, they’re eating dogs,” Trump exclaimed. “They’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame!”

But Springfield is only one of many places where residents are suffering from the consequences of Kamala’s open borders agenda.

The deadly Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, has taken over the town of Aurora, Colorado.

Videos recently surfaced online showing gang members armed with rifles taking over an entire apartment complex in Aurora.

Gang leaders have also given their members “shoot to kill” orders on law-enforcement officers.

Donald Trump traveled to Aurora where he announced “Operation Aurora.”

Operation Aurora would use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to round up and deport members of Tren de Aragua.

“In honor of Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley — beautiful Laken — Rachel Morin, and all of the others that are dead, and/or mortally wounded at the hands of migrants who should never have been allowed into our country, I’m announcing today, that upon taking office, we will have an Operation Aurora at the federal level to expedite the removals of these savage gangs,” Trump said. “And, I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 — think of that, 1798, this was put there 1798, that’s a long time ago.”

Of course, Donald Trump’s promise to deport the violent gang members sent the left-wing media into a frenzy.

On Sunday, J.D. Vance appeared for an interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC’s This Week.

Raddatz went after Vance about Trump’s promise.

“So, do you support Donald Trump making those claims that the Republican Mayor says were grossly exaggerated and have hurt the city’s identity and sense of safety?” she asked.

Vance fired back with “well, Martha, you just said the Mayor said they were exaggerated.”

“Grossly exaggerated,” she fired back.

Vance then pointed out that this “means there’s got to be some – that means there’s got to be some element of truth here.”

He reminded her that Donald Trump actually traveled to Aurora and spoke with the people on the ground.

“What we’re hearing, of course, Martha, is that people are terrified by what has happened with some of these Venezuelan gangs,” he said.

An outraged Raddatz interrupted Vance and said that “the incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes — apartment complexes and the Mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns – a handful of problems.”

But Vance humiliated her with his response.

“Martha, do you hear yourself?” Vance began. “Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem, and not Kamala Harris’ open border?”

“Americans are so fed up with what’s going on and they have every right to be and I really find this exchange, Martha, sort of interesting because you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs,” he added.

When Raddatz tried to interrupt, Vance reminded her that “they [Biden-Harris] bragged about opening the border and now we have the consequences and we’re living with it.”

Raddatz can see the writing on the wall.

Illegal immigration is a top issue at the ballot box.

As border czar, Kamala Harris is responsible for the more than 10 million illegal aliens who entered the country since 2021.

And Kamala’s open borders agenda could put Donald Trump back in the White House.