Donald Trump blindsided Fani Willis with the worst news of her life

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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is on the ropes.

But she wasn’t prepared for what was coming.

And Donald Trump blindsided Fani Willis with the worst news of her life.

Trump lawyers make their argument to disqualify Willis

The Georgia Court of Appeals indefinitely delayed Donald Trump’s trial while it sorts out a motion to disqualify Willis from the case.

Disqualifying Willis from the case would also disqualify her entire office and force the state to find a new prosecutor.

That could bring about the end of this witch hunt.

Trial Judge Scott McAfee didn’t disqualify Willis.

But McAfee did allow Trump and his co-defendants to appeal the ruling.

In their brief to argue for Willis’ disqualification, Trump’s lawyers argued Willis “engaged in a deliberate, calculated plan and pattern of misconduct” with regard to her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Trump Lawyer Steve Sadow explained that the motion “persuasively argues that the trial court should have dismissed the case and disqualified [District Attorney] Willis for her forensic misconduct and the appearance of impropriety between her and former Special Assistant [District Attorney] Wade, who was her lover and taxpayer-funded financial benefactor. We are optimistic that the [Georgia Appeals] Court will favorably decide the appeal in our favor.”

Grounds for disqualification

Trump’s lawyers argued that Willis and Wade stretched out this investigation for two years due to the financial benefit the two accrued.

Wade billed Fulton County for $654,000 in legal fees between 2021 and 2023.

Bank records indicate that Wade turned around and used that money to pay for him and Willis to travel on luxury vacations.

Willis offered unconvincing explanations that she paid Wade back for part of the vacations using untraceable cash she kept hidden in her house.

Willis and Wade create new problems for themselves

Nathan Wade and Willis’ testimony on the witness stand, where they offered dubious denials that their affair began after Wade began working the Trump case, was also problematic.

Wade also embarked on a media tour where appearances on CNN and The Daily Show portrayed him as a buffoon who couldn’t answer simple questions and should have clearly known that sleeping with his boss would present political – if not ethical issues – for their prosecution of Donald Trump.

Former Federal Prosecutor Gene Rossi said that Wade’s interviews added fuel to the fire for disqualifying Willis and getting the case against Trump tossed.

“Nathan Wade has crossed the Rubicon from being a possibly forgettable, very untruthful hearing witness in the eyes of the Court to being a self-aggrandizing attention seeker,” Rossi declared. 

“President Abe Lincoln once said it best about the Wades of the world: ‘Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt,'” Rossi concluded.

While it is still unclear if the Georgia Court of Appeals will ultimately disqualify Willis, what is clear is the fact that there is zero chance this case will go to trial before the election.