Brittney Griner shared one disgusting photo that shows the moral decay taking place in American society

Photo by David Eluwole from Pexels

WNBA star Brittney Griner was in the national spotlight in 2022 after she was arrested in Russia on drug charges.

Joe Biden handed the world’s most notorious arms dealer back over to Russia in exchange for Griner.

And now Brittney Griner shared one disgusting photo that shows the moral decay taking place in American society.

The Left is waging an all-out culture war on America.

They’re doing everything they can to destroy Christianity and erase traditional values from society. 

The Left supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand with no restrictions all the way up until birth and sometimes after.

They’re trying to shut down prayer in schools and remove Christian symbols from the public square.

Leftists are brainwashing and indoctrinating innocent children with their homosexual and transgender ideology and worldview.

This is all part of the Left’s culture war.

And it’s leading to degeneracy and moral rot.

June is “Pride Month.”

During the month of June, the Left likes to shove their LGBT agenda down the throats of the American public.

And WNBA star Brittney Griner recently fired a shot for the Left in their culture war.

Of course, Griner has been a vocal supporter of the woke Left for years.

She is a black lesbian who demanded the WNBA stop playing the National Anthem before basketball games in 2020 during the Black Lives Matter riots that occurred after the death of George Floyd.

Joe Biden traded Viktor Bout, who is known as the Merchant of Death, for Griner in a prisoner swap deal with Russia in 2022.

Griner pleaded guilty to drug possession charges after authorities caught her with cannabis oil and a vape pen at a Russian airport.

Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison but was released after Joe Biden traded her for the Merchant of Death.

She recently made the Team USA Women’s Basketball Team.

And on Monday, Griner posted a photo on social media that will make your stomach churn.

In honor of the coming of her first child, Griner posted a topless photo of her with her pregnant wife.

Griner’s back is to the camera, and her right hand is on her wife’s pregnant belly.


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Donald Trump was right when he called Griner “a basketball player who openly hates our Country.”