Bill Maher revealed one trend from Europe that spells bad news for Joe Biden

David Shankbone, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Comedian Bill Maher noticed something brewing on the other side of the Atlantic. 

Now a political earthquake could arrive in the United States. 

And Bill Maher revealed one trend from Europe that spells bad news for Joe Biden. 

Bill Maher says the European revolt over immigration is a warning sign

The June 2016 Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom foreshadowed former President Donald Trump’s victory in the election that November.

In what was considered a shocking upset, a majority of the British people voted for their country to leave the European Union (EU).

The referendum was a populist revolt against the elites and unchecked illegal immigration.

Europe was hit with another political earthquake during elections for the European Parliament in early June.

Right-wing and populist parties made major gains in most countries powered by discontent about illegal immigration.

Comedian Bill Maher thought the European elections could be a sign of what’s to come in the Presidential election during a segment on his HBO show Real Time.

“Voters from the European Parliament said, ‘We do not like this much immigration,’” Maher said.

He noted that the Left smears anyone who wants to enforce border security as a “fascist.”

“Voters keep saying over and over again, we are not comfortable with this level of immigration and I understand why,” Maher continued. “It doesn’t make you a racist to say that.”

Maher said that Democrats won’t do anything about illegal immigration over fears of being called a racist.

“And yet the liberal parts of, certainly in America, [U.S. Senator] Alex Padilla [D-CA} said last week, he is our Senator here, by reviving Trump’s asylum ban, Biden has undermined American values,” Maher explained. “And then they all stand back and go, we don’t want to be called a racist, so we will not make a move on immigration. It’s going to get them f***ed at Election Day.”

Illegal immigration is a big problem for Joe Biden

Polls have found that immigration is a top issue for voters this election cycle.

That’s why President Joe Biden issued a toothless executive order on border security to try and claim he did something.

It’s become a big enough political liability in an election year where he had to do something. 

Maher reiterated that what happened in Europe is going to come to America.

“It’s happening. It’s happening in Europe right now. That proves it in Europe,” Maher said. “And it’s going to happen here in America. It happened with Brexit. It’s going to happen again.”

Public opinion has swung to the side of cracking down on illegal immigration.

Maher noted the shocking findings of a recent CBS News poll about immigration.

“I mean, 64% of Latinos support giving the President authority to shut down the U.S. borders,” Maher stated. “62% of registered voters would deport all migrants living in the U.S. illegally.”

Donald Trump won the 2016 Election based on part from this discontent with the public over the border crisis under former President Barack Obama.

He could ride the same anti-illegal immigration wave back to the White House this year.