A power company is sounding the alarm on green energy causing disaster in this blue state

Photo by Lukas Kloeppel from Pexels

Democrats have gone all-in trying to replace fossil fuels with green energy.

Now the bill is about to come due for going green.

And a power company is sounding the alarm on green energy causing disaster in this blue state.

New York is facing potential blackouts from green energy

New York is one of the Democrat-controlled states that has made transitioning its power generation to green energy a top political priority.

Reliable fossil fuel and even some zero-emissions power sources are being shuttered to make way for wind and solar. 

State officials closed down the Indian Point nuclear power plant – which produced zero carbon emissions – outside of New York City in 2021.

New York law requires that 70% of the state’s electricity come from green energy by 2030.

The company that operates the state’s power grid is warning that green energy is increasing the possibility of blackouts.

The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the state’s power grid operator, issued a 2024 Power Trends report forecasting the future of electricity use.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) and the Democrat-dominated State Legislature’s plans to electrify everything are increasing strain on the grid.

They’ve pushed electric vehicles and electrifying household appliances and heating. 

Demand on the electrical grid is increasing while more electricity is being generated by unreliable wind and solar power.

This is setting the stage for blackouts this summer when electrical use peaks. 

“New York’s public policies are increasingly prioritizing clean energy production and a rapid transition away from fossil fuels,” NYISO President and CEO Rich Dewey wrote. “It is imperative that during this time of rapid change we maintain adequate supply necessary to meet growing consumer demand for electricity. Power Trends shows that achieving this balance will be the central industry challenge over the next decade.”

New York is taking power plants offline while demand is increasing

The report noted that New York is closing power plants that run on fossil fuels faster than green energy sources are coming online.

New York’s grid has lost more electric capacity than it brought online since 2019.

 State law set 2040 as the date when its electrical grid must be zero emissions.

That means that the remaining natural gas-powered plants will be shut down for more unreliable wind and solar.

“Under extreme summer weather conditions, however, forecasted reliability margins could potentially be deficient without reliance on emergency operating procedures,” the report stated.

A heat wave with a temperature of 95 degrees lasting three or more days could put the electrical grid under serious strain.

Cato Institute Director of Energy and Environmental Policy Studies Travis Fisher said that politicians like to blame everything but zero emissions mandates for energy problems.

“The reliability of electric and gas service for New Yorkers is in jeopardy, which is a shame considering how close the state is to some of the most abundant shale gas plays in the world,” Fisher said.

New York’s green energy policies have the state’s electrical grid flirting with disaster.