A naked picture of Melania Trump led to this stunning video

DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former First Lady Melania Trump was furious.

She’s facing scrutiny that no one should. 

That’s because a naked picture of Melania Trump led to this stunning video.

Melania Trump under attack for modeling work 

The media portrayed Michelle Obama and Jill Biden as the picture of femininity.

Both appeared on the cover of fashion magazines and were lauded as style icons.

Melania Trump was a former elite fashion model who worked at the top of the industry.

Some of Melania’s work included photo shoots where she posed nude.

In a video posted to her X account, Melania Trump slammed the media for trying to shame her over work that she took great pride in.

“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work? The more pressing question is why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human Forum in a fashion photoshoot? Are we no longer able to appreciate the beauty of the human body?”  Melania Trump said in her video.

Normally the media loves the “female empowerment” storyline.

But in the case of Melania Trump, members of the press used her modeling work to attack Trump as a sexual deviant.

The View co-host and CNN contributor Ana Navarro shared a nude photo of Melania Trump taken in the year 2000 and used it to attack Melania as trash after Kamala Harris faced attacks over getting her start in politics by having an affair with then San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

“I’ve never seen naked pics of Kamala Harris or her spouse. Kamala never partied with sexual predators,” Navarro wrote on Instagram. “You wanna go low? I’m not leaving one thing unanswered this time. Not a one. I’ll happily go 20,000 leagues under the sea.”

Melania Trump added that throughout history, classic artists used the naked human form as the basis for masterpieces, such as Michelangelo’s David or the Venus de Mio sculpture.

Melania declared that this was a form of artistic expression everyone should celebrate.

“Throughout history, master artists have revered the human shape, evoking profound emotions and admiration. We should honor our bodies and embrace the timeless tradition of using art as a powerful means of self-expression,” Melania wrote.

Melania Trump is a world famous model, an immigrant who speaks multiple languages.

Under normal circumstances, the press would celebrate Melania as the best the country has to offer that someone could immigrate to the United States at the age of 16, reached the top of her profession, and then became First Lady of the United States.

But because Melania Trump is married to Donald Trump, she’s ignored at best and scorned at worst.

And it’s obvious to anyone that no Democrat Party First Lady would ever have such treatment.