A military family revealed this scary situation that Joe Biden put them in

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Joe Biden’s top priority is taking care of left-wing special interests and his politically connected friends.

That’s left the brave men and women who serve the country holding the short end of the stick. 

And a military family revealed this scary situation that Joe Biden put them in.

Military families suffering from surging cost of living under Joe Biden

Forty-year highs in inflation have crushed Americans after President Joe Biden’s reckless spending.

Now, military families are struggling with the rising cost of living during the Biden Presidency.

A study released by the University of Georgia last year revealed that about one out of every eight military families with children rely on food assistance.

And a new survey from the Military Family Advisory Network found that military families are struggling under Biden.

The survey found only 27% of military families said their family health was “excellent.”

Financial stress and the rising cost of living were cited as worries.

A staggering 55% of military families said that their financial well-being was poor or very poor.

One in five military families reported dealing with a shortage of food.

“The cost of living is so high, and the pay is mediocre,” a military family told Military Family Advisory Network. “Everywhere you turn there is something going up in price; nothing is cheap.”

80% of military families in the survey reported dealing with some level of financial stress.

And 70% said that increased pay and benefits would be a major factor in their decision to remain in the military.

“We have to make sure that people can support their whole family while they are serving,” Military Family Advisory Network Executive Director Shannon Razsadin told military.com.

Military families are struggling, and Joe Biden refuses to help them.

Joe Biden refuses to support a military pay increase

Republicans in the House Armed Services Committee have been pushing for a pay increase for junior enlisted soldiers in the annual defense spending bill.

They proposed a nearly $25 billion pay bump over five years.

The lack of pay increases in the face of rising inflation has left the enlisted members hurting.

Inflation means that the troops make less money today than they did at the start of the Biden Presidency.

And it’s contributed to the shortfalls in recruiting across all branches of the military. 

But the Biden administration opposes the pay increase.

Biden can find more than $100 billion to fund Ukraine’s military, but he can’t take care of American troops at home.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed the Biden administration for opposing the pay raise.

“Joe Biden must hate our military,” Gaetz said. “While families of our junior enlisted struggle on food stamps, this administration opposes their pay raises and wants to force-feed them pronoun training and drag queen story hour. If Biden had any PRIDE at all in our troops, he’d support the long overdue pay raise House Republicans have passed.”

Joe Biden continues to find horrifying new ways to put America last.