A bombshell UFO hearing is coming after this scary sighting near an Air Force Base

Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

UFOs have often been sighted near military installations. 

Interest in the government is picking up about getting to the bottom of what’s going on. 

And a bombshell UFO hearing is coming after this scary sighting near an Air Force Base. 

Montana resident captures video of UFO near Air Force Base 

A resident of Choteau, Montana recorded a video of what he claimed was a massive UFO that had blinking lights. 

Choteau is about an hour away from Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, which is alleged to be a UFO hotspot. 

The massive Air Force Base houses Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads. 

The Choteau resident posted about his UFO video on the social media site Reddit. 

“The photos aren’t scary,” the man said. “But seeing what you truly believe to be a massive object in the silent night sky going over YOUR head and home carries a lot more emotional weight in person.”

He claimed that it was one of Tesla founder Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites that are sometimes mistaken for UFOs.

“While we were watching the object it was very apparent that the lights were around the silhouette of a large craft,” the man explained. 

“You could not ‘see between the lights,’” the man continued. “It was solid dark behind them. Our take is that we were seeing a disc shape from the side.”

Montana was where the Chinese spy balloon was first spotted in February 2023. 

Calls came in about it reporting a UFO, which resulted in the military disclosing it was tracking the balloon. 

Congress to hold new UFO hearing 

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) told the Ask a Pol podcast that she would hold a hearing on UFOs in the Senate. 

She is the chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, which has jurisdiction over UFOs.

“It’s a priority for me. I think it’s very important that we continue to make things publicly available,” Gillibrand stated. 

She wants the public to report UFO sightings to the Defense Department’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which is in charge of investigating them. 

Gillibrand wants a progress report from the AARO on many UFOs they have been able to identify and analyze. 

“We also want to continue to build credibility with this office, so more of the public can feed in sightings,” Gillibrand explained. 

Dr. Jon T. Kosloski – an expert in optics research and crypto-mathematics from the National Security Agency (NSA) – was appointed head of the agency last year. 

“I’m hoping that the new head will be the one to testify,” Gillibrand said. 

The Senator is running for re-election this year and her Republican challenger, retired New York Police Department detective Mike Sapraicone told the New York Post her priorities are misplaced. 

“There’s no doubt the government must do everything in its power to keep the public safe from foreign threats, but it would certainly benefit our state and country more if Gillibrand held a hearing about the dangerous, illegal aliens flowing into our nation, not flying above,” Sapraicone said.

“While the Senator is trying to find UFOs, New Yorkers are trying to find her so she can help them afford a trip to the grocery store or stay safe from crime on our streets,” Sapraicone added.