A Biden official let the truth slip about this plan by Kamala Harris to destroy the economy

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is trying to hide her scary record from the public after she entered the race.

But she has a radical agenda to fundamentally transform the country. 

And a Biden official let the truth slip about this plan by Kamala Harris to destroy the economy.

Treasury Secretary reveals the massive price tag for climate change agenda

Democrats always use a head fake when talking about their extreme climate change.

Dating back to former President Barack Obama, they would focus on alleged economic benefits like “green jobs” or boosting American manufacturing.

What they don’t want to talk about is the enormous price tag that comes with reordering the economy and destroying the fossil fuel industry.

Department of Treasury Janet Yellen spoke at a G-20 meeting of world finance officials in Belem, Brazil – known as the gateway to the nation’s rain forests.

She said that it would cost wealthy countries at least $78 trillion by 2050 to transition the world to green energy to reduce carbon emissions.

“Neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy,” Yellen said. “It is bad economic policy.”

Reducing carbon emissions to net zero was a top priority of the Biden-Harris administration, according to Yellen.

“But being so close to the magnificent Amazon is also a reminder that the transition to a lower-carbon global economy is also the single greatest economic opportunity of the 21st century,” Yellen continued. “The transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050.”

American taxpayers are going to pick up the tab

Yellen laughably claims that spending $78 trillion on the transition to a low-carbon economy is an “economic opportunity.”

The brunt of paying for this climate change scheme is going to fall on the backs of American taxpayers.

And spending trillions on this globalist scheme is a vast transfer of wealth from the developed nations to the third-world countries disguised as fighting climate change.

Yellen stressed that the Biden-Harris administration’s climate goals stretch well beyond America’s borders.

“Our ambitions at home are matched by our ambitions abroad,” Yellen said. “We know that we can only achieve our climate and economic goals—from reducing global emissions to adapting and building resilience, from strengthening markets to bolstering supply chains—if we also lead efforts far beyond our borders.”

Yellen and other world finance leaders at the event stressed the need to rope the private sector into paying for this transition to green energy.

The Biden-Harris administration is willing to bankrupt the country and destroy the economy as part of its climate change crusade.

Vice President Kamala Harris makes President Joe Biden look like a moderate on the issue.

She vowed to abolish the Senate filibuster to pass Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) Green New Deal during her 2020 Presidential campaign.

A President Harris would put the pedal to the metal on this globalist scheme to have the United States pay trillions to the rest of the world to reduce carbon emissions.