A reality TV star gave Trey Gowdy one message that let him know it’s war

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Trey Gowdy exposed Hillary Clinton’s illegal private email server in Congress. 

But he was shocked to discover the next big political battle that’s coming. 

And a reality TV star gave Trey Gowdy one message that let him know it’s war. 

Shark Tank star ready to drop the hammer on China 

Former President Donald Trump is ready to use tariffs in his second term as leverage to negotiate better trade deals. 

He took the hardest line against China of any modern President and slapped tariffs on exports from the communist nation. 

Vice President Kamala Harris has attacked Trump’s Chinese tariffs as being a sales tax on Americans. 

But President Joe Biden kept and expanded those tariffs. 

O’Leary Ventures chairman Kevin O’Leary – one of the stars of ABC’s Shark Tank – told Fox News host Trey Gowdy that he was ready to use tariffs to bring China to its knees during an appearance on Sunday Night in America

“I want to go to DEFCON 19 against China,” O’Leary said. “I don’t like tariffs against anybody else, but I want to bring them to their knees with a blowtorch to deal with us fairly, and that’s why you use tariffs.”

The Shark Tank star explained that the Chinese only respond to hard-nosed negotiating tactics. 

“You squeeze them because the Chinese only understand the stick. I’ve said it countless times they understand the stick, they respect the stick, give them the stick,” O’Leary stated. “I want heavy, heavy, heavy tariffs on China, more than we have. Even more. Because I live with it. They steal our IP. I can’t say enough negative stuff. I’m sorry, I’m just telling the truth.”

O’Leary and other businessmen have to deal with the Chinese copying patented products that are manufactured in the communist nation. 

China also aggressively commits industrial espionage in the United States to steal trade secrets and intellectual property. 

This is just the latest time that O’Leary’s expressed his frustration dealing with China. 

“I’m an investor. I have positions in China. And just so everybody knows why I’m so biased — they have screwed me over the last 12 years,” O’Leary told Fox Business in August. 

Trump ready to go against China 

Trump has accused China of plundering America’s wealth by taking advantage of bad trade deals negotiated by previous administrations. 

“You know, obviously, I’m not looking to hurt China,” Trump told Fox News. “I want to get along with China. I think it’s great. But they’ve really taken advantage of our country.”

Trump managed to use tariffs against China to leverage the communist country to commit to buying $200 billion worth of American exports. 

Kamala has tried to use tariffs against Trump but her campaign confirmed it’s all for show. 

“Vice President Harris will employ targeted and strategic tariffs to support American workers, strengthen our economy, and hold our adversaries accountable,” a Kamala campaign spokesman told Foreign Policy magazine. 

Donald Trump is ready to fight for American jobs by playing hard ball against the Chinese.