Anna Paulina Luna faced this scary attempt to kill her

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Anna Paulina Luna is one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters in Congress. 

Like Trump, Luna’s life is under threat.

And now Anna Paulina Luna faced this scary attempt to kill her.

Former political rival arrested for threatening to send a hit squad to kill Luna

The Department of Justice arrested William Braddock of St. Petersburg, Florida, for allegedly threatening to kill Luna.

According to the indictment, Braddock threatened to call up a Ukrainian death squad to take out Luna in June 2021.

“William Braddock, 41, of St. Petersburg, Fla. is accused of making the alleged threats on June 8, 2021 — including one where he threatened to “call up my Russian-Ukrainian hit squad” to take out his rival,” the New York Post reported.

A conservative activist reportedly recorded Braddock threatening to kill Luna.

“I really don’t want to have to end anybody’s life for the good of the people of the United States of America,” Braddock allegedly claimed on a recording by POLITICO.

“That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f—ing speed bump in the road. She’s a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood,” Braddock was also allegedly heard saying.

This arrest capped off a whirlwind couple of weeks for Luna, where frightening death threats caused a scare in her life.

Luna the victim of the Left’s inciting violence  

After the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, Luna revealed that she was also the victim of left-wing political violence.

Luna announced that liberals “doxed” her – published her home address online – and encouraged lunatics to send suspicious packages to her house.

“Over the last few weeks, I have received an increasing number of threats and doxxing attacks. An online page was encouraging strangers to send threatening packages to my home,” a statement from Luna read.

Luna revealed that – on the same weekend a sniper tried to blow Trump’s brains out on his golf course – she received a credible threat of a gunman wanting to kill her. 

“This weekend, it escalated to a very serious shooting threat, and we are taking every necessary step to ensure the safety of my family, staff, and our district,” Luna stated.

Luna linked these threats on her life to the dangerous lies Democrats and the media push about Trump supporters being domestic extremists and threats to democracy.

“The left continues to push a radical agenda of hate and rhetoric that leads to violence. Just hours before this threat to my office, we saw how there was a second assassination attempt on President Trump’s life,” Luna declared.

“We will NOT be threatened or intimidated by those using violence to push their narrative and try and win an election,” Luna concluded.

Had Luna been a Democrat with an opponent threatening to call in hit squads to kill her and Republicans publishing her home address online she would have been featured in The New York Times and been the lead guests on CNN and MSNBC’s primetime lineup.

But when the threats are against Republicans, the media’s collective reaction is a yawn.