Tim Walz was caught in one woke scandal that left veterans outraged

Office of Governor Walz & Lt. Governor Flanagan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Tim Walz has become a serious problem for Democrats. 

He continues to find new ways to become a headache for Kamala Harris. 

And Tim Walz was caught in one woke scandal that left veterans outraged. 

Tim Walz had veterans and teachers attend racially segregated woke trainings 

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was picked by Vice President Kamala Harris as her running mate to appeal to blue-collar voters in the Rust Belt. 

The wealthy coastal Democrat elites think that Walz appeals to middle America because he used to be an assistant coach on a high school football team and wears a camo hat. 

Kamala claims that Walz is going to help “unify this country.”

But he supported every divisive woke scheme that came across his desk as Minnesota Governor. 

The Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Minnesota held training seminars for teachers and veterans who were separated by race. 

Minnesota’s Department of Education under Walz held “trainings and sessions” on restorative justice for teachers and other school employees.

Attendees to these trainings were separated based on their race. 

Walz’s Education Department separated them into groups like the “People of Color Affinity Community” for “people who personally identify as Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Color.”

“White allies” had to attend a separate training session. 

The Minnesota Department of Education was being run like an agency out of California under Walz. 

But the racial discrimination didn’t stop there. 

Walz’s Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs held seminars for non-white veterans for its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Ending Veterans Homelessness Work Group.

The seminars were advertised for homeless veterans who identify as “BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and/or Woman.”

Straight white males were only allowed to participate if they were designated as a “stakeholder or ally” to a minority veteran. 

Participants in the homeless veterans seminar were paid up to $2,500 for their time. 

Tim Walz’s illegal racial discrimination 

University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, told the Free Beacon that Walz is engaged in illegal racial discrimination. 

“The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs can’t offer up to $2,500 to any minority or female veteran who has been homeless, while offering it to white male veterans who have been homeless only if they are willing to call themselves ‘allies’ of the minority and female veterans,” Heriot said. 

She said that it was clear-cut discrimination. 

“That’s still discrimination,” Heriot explained. “It still violates both the Constitution and Title VI. I’m not sure why that’s so difficult for state agencies like this one to understand.”

The media portrays Walz as a friendly Midwestern dad who’s a moderate. 

But he’s pushing a woke agenda that would fit in Kamala’s San Francisco. 

Walz signed a woke curriculum bill that required Minnesota fourth graders to “identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements.”

Tim Walz’s background as a teacher and dad persona is a cover for how extreme an agenda he pushed in Minnesota.