A video of American soldiers exposed this awful lie that Kamala Harris told

Sgt. Jeff Ledesma, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris’ big mouth created a bad problem for her. 

Now she’s paying the price for trying to bend the truth. 

And a video of American soldiers exposed this awful lie that Kamala Harris told. 

Kamala Harris lies about American troops not being in war zones

The botched 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal by the Biden-Harris administration was one of the biggest foreign policy disasters in American history. 

And it represents a serious political liability for Vice President Kamala Harris in this election. 

She can’t spin Afghanistan, so she tried to rationalize it away during the Presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. 

“And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world. For the first time this century,” Kamala claimed. 

Kamala hopes that Afghanistan is a less bitter pill to swallow if she can tell voters that the troops are home after more than two decades of conflict. 

But this isn’t true. 

A group of American soldiers in a combat zone posted a video to social media of their shocked reaction to Kamala making that false claim. 

“So where the f*** are we right now,” a soldier says as his friends burst out in laughter. 

Soldiers are furious over Kamala’s lie about troops not being in combat zones 

The New York Post reported that more than 50,000 American soldiers are deployed to locations in the Middle East and Africa that qualify for “hostile fire” or “imminent danger pay.”

Three American soldiers were killed and more than 30 were wounded at a remote outpost in Jordan near the border of Syria in January after a drone attack by Iranian-backed militants. 

Army Chief Warrant Officer Garrett Illerbrunner was seriously injured last Christmas at Erbil Air Base in Iraq after a drone attack by Kataib Hezbollah – one of the many Iranian-backed terror groups operating in the region. 

His father, Brad Illerbrunner, was outraged at Kamala claiming that American troops were no longer in combat zones. 

He said that Kamala’s lie “really [hit] below the belt . . . She doesn’t even recognize that our own troops are getting hurt.”

“We’re still in war zones,” Illerbrunner said. 

Illerbrunner added that Kamala was “trying to snow the public.”

Defense Priorities fellow Michael DiMino said that Kamala’s false claim doesn’t pass “a basic kind of smell test.”

The Biden-Harris administration has troops throughout the Middle East and Africa fighting ISIS and groups connected to Iran. 

“If you’re in Jordan in the middle of nowhere to fight ISIS, and you’re getting attacked by Iranian drones and rockets on a daily basis, you’re in a war zone,” DiMino stated. 

DiMino accused Kamala of playing word games to make it seem like America isn’t involved in any conflicts. 

“Those quibbling qualifiers ignore the fact American men and women in uniform are getting shot at on daily basis, and many just in the last eight months have died or been injured,” DiMino said. 

Kamala Harris is lying through her teeth to trick voters into thinking the endless wars are over.